The study analysed Declining Prison Facilities as impediment to the rehabilitation of offenders, Agodi Gate Ibadan. A descriptive research method and design was adopted for the study in the process of analysis, the research discovered that Nigeria prison is congested which constitute on impediment to effective prison administration. The objectives of the study are as follows: To ascertain the extent to which prison congestion in Nigeria poses a serious constraints on prison administration, to find out the extent funding has affected on the administration of Nigeria prison and to verify the extent to which lack of rehabilitation and correctional equipment in Nigeria Prisons constitutes a constraint to rehabilitation of inmates, and also the prevention of crime in Nigeria. The study recommended that he act should emphasis more on rehabilitation of inmates and not only punishment. Such rehabilitation should include both the convicted and awaiting trial men (ATM), and reduce the over dependence of prison on government. Furthermore, there should be others sources of fund to the prison administration not only depending on government, NGOs etc. should come up with a well-articulated plan for better service delivery.